Original Series Full size Pine Barrens Tree FROG with DNA Hot Legs on the left and an Original Series Dark Green Micro FROG with Standard Kicking Legs on the right.

All three FROGs above are Original Series light green Leopard FROGs with DNA Hot Legs. DNA Hot Legs have translucent webbing between the toes.

Even the Micro FROGs can have DNA Hot Legs.

You can choose the most weedless option of the Head Hook Model or a heavier stainless steel hook below the belly with an Allen Loop as an effective weedguard, especially around lily pads and logs.

Micro FROG- Light Green Leopard FROG- Head Hook - Skitter Legs- Style #1- Action #2.

Micro FROG- Head Hook Model- Dark Green Leopard with DNA Style Chartreuse Feather Legs that can be changed to another color of Feather Legs, or to Skitter Legs or even to Kicking Legs.

Micro FROG- Head Hook Model- Articulated Light Brown Bull FROG with changeable DNA Style Mottled Brown Feather Legs.

Micro FROG- Head Hook Model- CA Red Legs FROG- Red Phase- Dual Color DNA Feather Legs.

Micro FROG- CA Red Legs FROG- Red Phase- Belly View- "Mottled Belly"

Micro FROG- Belly Hook Model- Allen Loop Weedguard- Pine Barrens Tree FROG- Dual Color Feather Legs

Micro FROG- Belly Hook Model- Allen Loop Weedguard- Red-Eyed Jungle Tree FROG- Green Feather Legs